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What Causes Irrigation Line Clogs? Monitoring & Maintenance Best Practices

What Causes Irrigation Line Clogs? Monitoring & Maintenance Best Practices

A guide to irrigation system clogs in cultivation - their causes and effective solutions. Learn how to prevent, identify, and address blockages through best practices in water treatment, nutrient management, irrigation system design, monitoring, maintenance and more. 3 case studies included!
4 Reasons Why Innovative Cultivators Are Harnessing Enzymes in Hydroponics
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4 Reasons Why Innovative Cultivators Are Harnessing Enzymes in Hydroponics

Enzymes such as phosphatase and mannanase drive critical processes like digestion and nutrient cycling. Learn how enzymatic products like Phoszyme are made, how they work, and the positive effects they have on your grow.
pH in Practice

pH in Practice

Adjusting pH levels, choosing from common bases and acids for pH adjustment, understanding the sequence of pH adjusters for fertigation systems, and the importance of calibration and accurate pH measurement.